APUDI is an abbreviation meaning "Al-Mustapha Peace Unity and Development Initiative"
In Nigeria, today, there are danger signals on the horizon. The political terrain is getting more and more muddled with the future of the youths in total jeopardy. The country is virtually sitting on time bomb. Major Hamza Al-Mustapha’s NGO, APUDI, is therefore determined to defuse the time bomb through the gospels of brotherhood, peace and unity. It is only when peace reigns supreme in the country that we can have unimpeded socio-economic development.For now, little is being done by the governments in the federation, whether at the Federal, State or Local Government level, to spread prosperity to the nooks and crannies of the country. The APUDI message is to embark on this process, however modestly, and change the plight of the poor and deprived people so as to provide them with some marketable skills, new consciousness and patriotism. This is the rationale for the production and distribution of the Training Manual. It contains the new vision for Nigeria, where both the leaders and the led will play more significant roles so as to impact the society positively.
Major Hamza Al-Mustapha, through APUDI, is determined to transmit this new consciousness in Nigerians with the objectives of renewing their faith in their country and imbuing them with patriotism so that they become their brothers’ keepers. People with such vision are rare on our shores. The few that emerge should therefore be massively supported so that together we move our great country forward on the path of sustained growth and development.